Hidden In Shadows by Claire Grimes, Lovers Tale Oasis


Hidden In Shadows 

This a story of a   Unseelie fae princess forced to marry  a Seelie prince to try to fix the problems of the two courts but he tries to kill her with poison  as if he could she has the  power to break it down in her body. But hating the party so goes to lay down her guard at her side but to soon the party turned in to a battlefield. Her red cape Guard took her far away to save her. A few days later she started a plan to save her family but she need help from a witch who gave her a nightwalker to help.

I enjoyed this book wished it was longer but I guess I will have to buy the next book later to find out if she is able to save her family.  I would give it 3 out of 5 because of length and left me wanting more it come off a a story that could have been put into one book then over 3 but maybe it will be better in books 2 and 3 once I have got them I will let you know.


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