The Reason: How I Discovered a Life Worth Living By Lacey Sturm


This book was something I had wanted so bad that I looked for it for about 2 months at a local book store before I had amazon. The day it came in I read it in one day and loved it. I loved her music and so knowing her story dose help me love it even more.

At some part this book was predictable about how she found god at the right time but it dose make you think how many times has a preacher heard the voice of God and just  keped on with there sermon and did not help the person who needed the most. Other parts of the book I can under stand better were she can just feel so much when she felt God inside her that it was painful for her and made her feel so much. I know how she feels about that is hurts and a lot of people treat me as someone who is a freak because of what I feel. This book helped me and in some ways told me that I'm not the only person that feels God in this way and that some  what make me feel at peace with my self. And for me that is a really a wonderful thing.

I wound give this book a 4 out of 5  because it is a book that made me feel a lot of thing and think a lot about my self and my faith in god and gods people even more then I did before. And help me not be angry anymore.


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