This read-a-thon is going to June 4-9. Hosted by Good Tales this is there first read-a-thon if you want to join here is the link. http://goodtalesbooktours.com/?tribe_events=1st-semi-annual-readathon so check it out if you wound like to join us. 

My TBR for this will be 4 books 

1.12637458 Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gire

2. 12988074 The Unnaturalist by Tiffany Trent

3.21262876 Widow Walk by Gerard Lasalle

4. 22584482 Black Heart's Legacy by Sally Copus

I hope to read all of these book over that time and maybe more if I get in the mood to read more but that is my planed TBR.


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